Showcasing and tracking nature-based solutions
Pathways of Transformation in the Alps (PORTAL) is a research project that aims to identify and characterize initiatives that seek a transformative adaptation to climate change in the Alps. It documents and shares innovative examples of nature-based adaptation allowing learning and fostering inspiration.
PORTAL project documents initiatives in the altitudinal gradient of the European Alps mountain range, including actions in higher areas as well as in the urban areas that have strong links with mountain environments.
Mountains as first indicators
The mountain massifs show climate change impacts much earlier than many other ecosystems, thus serving as an early sign. As climate change-related events are projected to increase their impact and frequency in the following years, our project focuses on transformative initiatives that could mitigate those impacts.

Workflow of the portal project
the following three objectives:

Step 1: Identification
We will perform an internet screening and face-to-face questionnaires to find and characterise relevant nature-based transformation initiatives.
Step 2: Assessment
We will set up a participatory scenario planning focus-groups to develop normative scenarios to assess the transformation pathways. Those scenarios will meet the Paris Agreement and UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Step 3: Dissemination
We will help to disseminate the knowledge acquired through innovation hubs such as the Atlas of Transformation, where results from the previous objectives will be shown.

Funders and partners
PORTAL project is funded by the Franco-German initiative Make Our Planet Great Again (MOPGA). The partners of the project include the Laboratoire d’écologie alpine (LECA), the Institut des Géosciences de l’Environnement (IGE) the Centre national de la recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and the University of Grenoble Alpes (UGA) in France.